Please see the graphic for positions we have available for the end of this year and next year.

Please note the change of dates and times.
If you have pre-purchased tickets, Mr. Parmley will be reaching out to you today. Please note that tickets will now be general admission due to changes in the number of event nights, as well as date adjustments.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to accommodate these changes.
Thank you for your patience and support!
With that, please come and support our students this weekend! It is sure to be a FUNNY show!
-Mr. Parmley, Director of The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon

Please see the flyer for information on an Ugly Sweater Trivia Night sponsored by Junior After Prom.

Elementary friends and family: Save the Date!
(performers need to be to their classrooms by 6:30)

I have been working hard to showcase some great things happening! The MS/HS Spartan Energy Bus has been put up! I also asked students what they were thankful for and created a turkey to go outside of my office!
I am thankful for all of the students and staff that I work with!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Students & Staff can nominate each other when they see each other doing things that model Spartan Pride.
See the attached photos for November's Spartans of the Week! Congrats to all!

The MS/HS advisories had a Gratitude Door Decorating Contest! The HS Winner was Mr. Baggett/Mrs. Prunera's Advisory with Pie-ling on the Positivity! The MS Winner was Mr. Parmley's Advisory with his Thankful Advisory Patch.

Grandparents Day last Friday brought all kinds of special people in to visit our elementary students. Here are a few pictures of our very successful event!

If you didn't make it to the book fair, or the power outage kept you away, you can still order online through December 1!!! There are more titles available online, and all sales still support our school!! Thank you!! https://www.scholastic.com/bf/exiraehkelementaryschool1

Spartan Boys Basketball Store is open until Dec. 2nd. You should receive your items by Christmas.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the performance of "The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon" has been postponed. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding during this time.
We will share further details as soon as they become available. Thank you for your continued support of our production.
Cody Parmley

A little late in posting, but Friday brought K-2 drawing winners and quarterly pop draws at the elementary Friday celebration. Congrats little Spartans!

Creating a book fair eWallet for cash-free shopping is convenient, secure, and sharable!
Step 1: Create an account
Step 2: Add funds
Step 3: Share the link
Step 4: Your child shops the book fair! Visit our homepage:

Our HS Girls Basketball Team will be playing a scrimmage at Lewis Central tomorrow (11/19).
The charity group we are working with is called Thriving Titans. Admission into the scrimmage can be done a couple of ways:
1. Bring a couple nonperishable food items or any clothing items to donate
2. Pay the normal $6 rate for each spectator and that money will be donated to Thriving Titans
Here is the ticket link: https://www.gobound.com/ia/schools/lewiscentral/tickets
They have a debit/credit card option at the gate as well.

Please see the post for a wrestling fundraiser

The Scholastic Book Fair will be here soon!
We will be open in the elementary on the following dates:
Fri., Nov. 22: 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Sat., Nov. 23: 9 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Mon., Nov. 25: 3:30-7 p.m.
More information on our webpage:

You might be scared, you might cry, but mostly you will laugh!! Don't miss this FUN play! If you have any questions contact cparmley@eehkspartans.org for more information.

K-2 Spartan PRIDE certificates for November

3rd grade enjoyed a zoo day today to go along with their animal themed CKLA unit.

Yesterday Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students traveled to Des Moines for an Iowa Wild Hockey Game! Besides the hockey, the kids enjoyed busting some killer dance moves!!